Today is our last day of TV before we call the Cable company tomorrow. Joe watched the Titans game today and then we packed up our cable box and remotes to take to Comcast tomorrow. This week our baby has been sick and we have all been exhausted so we muddled through the week. By yesterday we were so exhausted after we put her down for bed, that we watched DIY network until we passed out on the couch.
I was kind of dreading today. It's funny how when you know you're about to part with something, even though it was a self-imposed decision, you still get the last minute jitters. It's a lot like buyers remorse.
I stayed busy purposely not watching the TV today so that when we packed up the box, it would feel less noticeable. That worked like a charm. When we unplugged it and started putting everything the box, Sarah started throwing Christmas ornaments from the tree into the box. I'm sure Comcast will appreciate a little post-Christmas cheer.
We usually didn't watch much TV while our daughter was awake anyway, except for football, so it didn't really seem any different at first. After she went to bed, we got busy preparing for our week ahead and Joe started organizing the cupboard with too many mugs in it. Goodwill will be thrilled tomorrow, and we've made our first step at decluttering. I think we are off to an exciting start (yawn). Is it time for bed yet?
When do all of those musical instruments of yours start getting some quality time?